Tips To Save Energy In The Summer

[area] home improvement

In the last few years, the United States has experienced some of the hottest summers on record. Aside from being an ecological disaster, these hot summer days can also be a disaster for your wallet. With your AC running 24/7 all summer long, you can expect some of your highest electric bills of the year to come between June and September. By following a few simple summer energy-saving tips, you can keep the temperature, and your budget, well within the comfort zone.

A/C Tune-Up Before Every Season

Replacing your air filter before the start of a heating or cooling season is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to make sure that your A/C runs smoothly and efficiently. Replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can lower your A/C’s energy usage by up to 15%. Also, neglecting necessary maintenance ensures poor performance and unnecessarily high energy use.Your air conditioner requires regular maintenance to function efficiently throughout its years of service. Checking the coils, fins, evaporative cooler, and heat pump may require the services of a professional.

Cook Outside

A powerful AC unit during the summer can easily be countered by a running stove or oven in the kitchen, causing everything to use more energy. If you are able to use a grill or any appliance that uses little to no heat, the inside of your house will be more relaxing.

Use Appliances at Night

Waiting until night to run big appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers can reduce heat generated in your home during the day. As a bonus, you’ll use the electricity necessary to power these bulky appliances when your power supply is in less demand.

Utilize Windows

Take advantage of the cool nights and warm days by opening your windows in the evening and turning off your AC unit overnight. In the morning, close your drapes and windows to trap the cool air inside. That way you will lower your utility bill, reduce the amount of time needed to run your AC units, and increase your energy capability.

Fine-tune Your Thermostat Settings

In order for you to cool your home without overusing your AC, set your thermostat at the recommended 78 degrees. With a smart home thermostat, you can easily do this from your phone while having fun in the summertime.

Ditch Traditional Light Bulbs

Ordinary light bulbs emit a lot of heat, so switch to LED or CFL light bulbs instead. While this change may not make a dramatic impact in room temperature by itself, they will contribute to a cooler and more efficient home overall.

Seal Cracks and Insulate

Inspect all doors and window seals to make sure the caulking around them are not torn, missing, or in bad shape. If they are, replace the old caulking with some that is new. Check your home insulation as well, because many homes are not insulated to the required levels. These items can help your AC unit work more effectively and also keep your home cooler.